Welcome to the Delaware Valley Kayak Fishing Club

Calling all fishing enthusiasts in Southeastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey! Are you ready to embark on thrilling kayak fishing adventures in lakes, rivers, bays, and even the mighty ocean? Look no further than the DVKF club, where the thrill of reeling in the big one meets the camaraderie of a tight-knit community.


Our story began in August 2005, when three passionate anglers came together with a mission: to unite kayak fishermen in our region. Starting with just seven members, we've since grown to a vibrant community of over 20 dedicated individuals who share the same love for fishing from kayaks.

Delaware River Launch

Joining our club means more than just gaining access to incredible fishing spots--it's about forging lasting connections with fellow anglers. A few times a year, we gather to swap fishing techniques, share awe-inspiring stories, and discover new secret fishing havens. But that's not all! Throughout the fishing season, from April to November, we organize at least two monthly outings, ensuring that you'll never miss an opportunity to cast your line and explore new waters.

Lehigh River Fishing

The DVKF club warmly welcomes anyone with a passion for kayak fishing, whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting to dip your toes in the water. And don't worry, our fun doesn't stop at club-sponsored events. Our members frequently come together outside of our organized activities for impromptu fishing excursions, bonding over our shared love for the sport.

If you're eager to dive into the world of kayak fishing and join a dynamic community of like-minded anglers, click the Join DVKF link for more information. Alternatively, you can reach out to us at join@dvkfclub.com. Get ready to cast your line, create unforgettable memories, and join the adventure with DVKF!